Sunday, July 3, 2011

True Patriotism

As the 4th of July is coming tomorrow, it just got my mind going. I look back at the many years that I have been celebrating the 4th of July and I see many parades and fireworks and city people coming up to the thumb to celebrate (this is just my personal experience). But out of all these festivities, where has the reminder or rememberance of why we celebrate this holiday gone? Is it some holiday meant for watching parades of tractors and cars pulling wagons of advertisements and promoting their business? Or for an excuse for people to drink? Maybe to get many people situated on a beach, prepared to be dazled and amazed by many bright lights and loud sounds? I still think we are missing it.

A few days ago, I went to a funeral for a youth veteran who passed away in battle recently. He was a true hero who fought for our country, and indeed, making the ultimate sacrifice for the freedom of America. As I showed up, I saw hundreds of people, some attending the funeral, some who are bikers who were apart of something called the patriot guard. There were dozens of men and women lined up, some knew the young man, some didn't, who were holding American flags and were apart of the "flag guard". These people came from miles around, to pay tribute to this man, and to the country that he was serving. It was truly a beautiful moment that brought many people together to honor these two things. I saw so many people with true patriotism that it was very inspirational.

I just challenge you to look for real ways that you can remember the true reason for why we celebrate the 4th. Thank a solider, honor our country, help a neighbor, do something to show your thankfulness for the freedom that we have. Don't let this 4th of July go unnoticed as to why we truly do celebrate it.

1 comment:

  1. Well said my friend, watching my wife over the past two weeks care for our military in a way no one sees, as if she is invisable as she saves lives who can't seem to cope any longer from the aftermath of war. I have a unique wife who silently gives daily to men and women. In the last two week she literally has had two codes and saved a man who wanted to die because he was just tired, overdosed and for Diane it wasn't time for him. The second was a woman who wasn't ready either, but again she gave this woman another chance. The best and most amazing part is she is a witness, a beacon for Jesus and it makes me think of how and what I do and don't do. Eric thanks for your challenge today I needed it.
